ICONIQUE PICTURES is an independent production, media and entertainment company for the 21st century. With the emergence of new distribution platforms for content, traditional models of film and television production and distribution are being challenged. In this new era, content needs to be developed and produced for all media.
ICONIQUE PICTURES is based in Tokyo, Japan and focuses on Japanese and Asian content creation and distribution. With Japan's rich tradition in film, television and other creative works, ICONIQUE PICTURES bridges all aspects of content creation between Japan and the World.
Whether it is content, formats or productions from international sources coming into Japan or content from Japan that is repurposed or distributed throughout Asia and other parts of the world, ICONIQUE PICTURES sets international standards in production and distribution to provide the best content.
アイコニック・ピクチャーズは21世紀を創るインディペンデントのメディア・エ ンターテイメント製作会社です。コンテンツの新たな配給システムの出現で、元来の映画やテレビの制作と配給に変化が生まれています。この新時代においては、コンテンツは全てのメディアのために開発され制作されることが必要です。